Light Therapy

Psoria-shield® phototherapy

UVB is targeted administration of narrow band UVB light with a handheld wand to small areas of symptomatic skin for treatment of Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo and other conditions. Treatments are performed 2-3 times per week for optimal improvement. Narrow band UVB therapy is not a cure for the listed conditions but is a way to maintain or place certain conditions in remission.


PUVA is a type of phototherapy with ultraviolet A in combination with a topical psoralen (this drug becomes active when it is exposed to light). PUVA is for the treatment of Psoriasis, Eczema and other conditions such as Alopecia Areata. Treatments are scheduled 2-3 times per week for optimal therapy.

Narrowband UVB Phototherapy Light Box

For wide spread full body treatment of Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo and other conditions. “Narrownband” UVB lamps emit light over a very short range of wavelengths concentrated in therapeutic range with minimizing the risk of the sun burning.